Childbirth Preparation and Doula Services
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2. Birth Doula Services:
1. Prenatal Course in person and/or Online:
- 6 classes (2 classes per week of 90 min.)
- Pregnancy
- Labour and Childbirth practices
- The Newborn
- New life Adjustments. Babyproof your relationship
- Class for Partners.
- Breastfeeding guidance.
Private class
Group class (2 couples or more)
1.2 Prenatal Course Intensive Course 3 days
• 3 classes (2 hours per day)
• Birth
• Newborn care/Breastfeeding
• Adjustment to the new routine
Private classes
Group classes (2 couples or more)
2. Birth Doula Services:
- 1 or 2 prenatal visits (if you didn´t take the prenatal series with me),
- Unlimited phone and e-mail support before and weeks after the birth.
- Support scheduling appointments.
- Planning on the best plans according to each situation.
- Guide for your birth plan.
- Advice to navigate the medical system in Canada.
- Emotional and Physical Support during labour up to 2 hours after the baby is born
- Aromatherapy, Acupressure, TENS, hypnosis and other traditional Mexican coping techniques.
- 2 postpartum visits
Prepared with ancient traditional ingredients to improve recovery after childbirth and improve milk production.
Extra services include:
Accompaniment to doctor visits with translation,
$35 per visit
Quantum Bioresonance Therapy after Birth
Diagnosis session and Chakras balance. Full report
Therapy per week (7 days),
including 22 programs, (Bach flowers, Australian Bush flowers, Acupuncture, Bioenergetic balance, Schüssler Salts, etc)
Mexican Pospartum Rebozo Ritual
It is a ceremony with Mexican roots where contact is made with the physical and the spiritual. It is a ritual carried out with great love and delicacy, in an intimate context to close a stage experienced and welcome a new cycle that begins.
In the ritual, certain parts of the body are touched, using hands and a shawl (Mexican cotton cloth), in order to “remind” the mother's body that, just as it opened to give life, now is the time to close and give way to a new cycle.
This ritual is a way to honor the newborn mother in a mixture of maternal “cuddling” and a recognition of a new hierarchy.
This ritual facilitates the release of many emotions and/or physical tensions that may have been stored during pregnancy and/or childbirth. For each woman, this experience is different… and unique!
The Cerrado can also be done to close a cycle of your life: after a separation, a bereavement, a significant change of job or place where you live, life transitions such as menarche or menopause... it helps to close the old , to make way for the new cycle.
Rates in Canadian Dollars