entre pañales y superheroes... o super heroes en pañales?
english version at the end

me acuesto con la ilusion de dormir y descansar sin recordar que tengo a mi lado un pedacito de carne a quien alimentar y que espera mi calor para recordar viejos tiempos en que compartiamos un mismo espacio. despierto chueca, torcida, con olor a leche agria, semidesnuda, vulnerable, pero a mi lado una carita hinchada con el cabello revuelto y una sonrisa sin dientes que derrite hasta al mas duro.
me levanto y lo primero que hago es visitar al super heroe, al vecino de junto que comunmente esta desparramado en su camita, con la cabeza colgando y las cobijas en el suelo. le doy un beso y le empiezo a cosquillar y hablarle bajito, se despierta con una sonrisa y retorciendose como gusano con sal.
cambio pañales, huelo a bebe, a super heroe, mis pechos irritados de tanta friccion, testigos del furor con que mi cachorra succiona, adoloridos de abrazos apretados, pero llenos de amor, mi espalda cansada de cargar a cuestas 6 kilos de puro amor concentrado.
jugando a ser grande, a echar carreras, a ser superheroe, practicando letras y preparandonos para el primer dia de escuela, platicando con fantasmas amigables, corriendo para ir a saltar y maromear en gimnasia, haciendo preguntas tan sabias, analizando el mundo y nuestra existencia..mami, porque estamos aqui? donde viviamos antes de nacer? a donde nos vamos cuando nos morimos? mami que te gusta hacer a ti?... recordandome a cada instante lo realmente importante.
daria lo que fuera por estos dos seres que iluminan mi vida, me entrego cada dia con amor sin condicion, intentando guiarlos en su propio camino pero dejandolos que lo recorran ellos mismos con libertad; no quiero nada a cambio, me doy por bien pagada con una sonrisa, un suspiro despues de comer, una leche desparramada por las comisuras, un abrazo en la noche y un "gracias mami por todo"
el mejor empleo del mundo? limpiar colitas, mocos, lagrimas, responder preguntas, jugar, arrullar, cantar, besar, cargar, reir, amar
la mejor de las misiones? ayudar a que sigan su propia mision, recordarselas dia a dia, recordarles que sean felices, que se amen, que son importantes como todos en este mundo. que sigan sus sueños, que todos son posibles de alcanzar...cualquiera que este sea.
mejor paga? sonrisitas chimuelas, abrazos con todas sus fuerzas que apenas te aprietan, sonrisas francas, desde adentro, caras de asombro, creyendo todo lo que escuchan, entregas totales.
Emiliano 5 años. Dharma Valentina 3 meses
english version
among diapers and superheroes ... or super heroes in diapers?
I lie down hoping to get some sleep and rest without recalling the little piece of meat by my side that demands to be fed and who's waiting for my warm body to remember old times when we shared the same space.
I awake crooked, twisted, with a sour milk smelling, half-body naked, vulnerable, but by my side a little swollen face with unkempt hair and a toothless smile that melts even the hardest.
I get out of bed and the first thing I do is to visit the superhero, the neighbor next door that is usually scattered on his bed, his head hanging down, and the blankets on the floor. I give him a kiss and begin to tickle and talk softly to his ear; he awakes with a smile and squirming like a worm with salt.
I change diapers, I smell like a baby, like a superhero; my breasts are sore of so much friction, witnesses of the fury with which my cub suckles, sore of tight hugs full of love, my back tired of carrying on six kilos of pure concentrated love.
playing pretending to be grown-up, running races, being a superhero, practicing letters and getting ready for the first day of school, chatting with friendly ghosts, rushing to get to gymnastics to jump and somersaulting, trying to answer wise questions, analyzing the world and our existence .. mom, why are we here? where did we live before birth? where do we go when we die? Mommy, what do you like to do? ... reminding me at every moment what is really important.
I would give anything for these two beings that light my life, I surrender every day with unconditional love, trying to guide them in their own way but letting them travel freely. I don't want anything back for me, I'm paid enough with a smile, a sigh after eating, a trace of with milk spilled over the mouth edges, a hug, and a "Good night and thank you, mommy, for everything"
the best job in the world? cleaning booties, wiping noses, tears, answering wise questions, playing, cuddling, singing, kissing, carrying, laughing, loving.
the best mission? help them to follow their own, remind them to be happy, to love, reminding that they are important as everyone in this world. Encouraging them to pursue their dreams, they are all attainable ... whatever they are.
better pay? toothless smiles, hugs with all his strength that barely squeeze you, frank smiles from within, faces of astonishment, believing everything they hear, total surrenders. these are my SUPERHEROES IN DIAPERS!
better pay? toothless smiles, hugs with all his strength that barely squeeze you, frank smiles from within, faces of astonishment, believing everything they hear, total surrenders. these are my SUPERHEROES IN DIAPERS!
Emiliano 5 y/o. Dharma Valentina 3 m/o