Cambio #14 Entrenamiento de los profesionales del Nacimiento como una Iniciación. El viaje de un Héroe (1)/ Change #14 Birth Peep Training as Initiation & Hero's Journey (1)
English version at the endTexto de Pam England
publicado originalmente en :,
Traducido por Dulce Lopez
publicado originalmente en :,
Traducido por Dulce Lopez
Si tuviste la suerte de ser guiado por mentores gentiles en un entorno seguro y propicio que te nutriera a través de cada fase de formación, considerate bendecido, tu experiencia es rara, pues se te ha dado una visión y un regalo que puedes compartir con nosotros a medida que abordamos otro cambio de nuestra cultura de nacimiento.
Si eres de los muchos que se sienten abatidos por el tipo de entrenamiento que recibió y quizá, sientas que una parte de ti aún esta en ese inframundo. Espero que estas cartas sean un halo de luz que te ayuden a encontrar el camino a "casa". A medida que nos unamos, y completemos nuestro regreso de ese inframundo de nuestra formación-iniciación, entonces, y sólo entonces, podremos ser verdaderamente "los que saben", y que pueden guiar a otros iniciados en, a través, y durante todo el camino a "casa" de un proceso de capacitación que es de hecho el viaje de un héroe.
Hay mucho por decir acerca del tema, me podría tomar varios correos para transmitirlo.En lugar de intentar condensar, y trivializar éste, voy a tomarme mi tiempo.
Espero sus respuestas a medida que avanzamos a través de Cambio # 14.
En primer lugar una breve reseña del viaje del héroe para que podamos compartir el lenguaje y las ideas. En general el viaje del héroe tiene tres fases, (1) El llamado y La preparación, (2) La Prueba rigurosa, y (3) El regreso. Se podría decir que toda tu vida es este viaje, y que dentro de nuestras vidas podemos ser bendecidos para llevar a cabo varios viajes de héroe a través de la educación, las relaciones, nuestra carrera, y la enfermedad.
Cuando alguien es atraído por la profesión del Nacimiento, se dice a menudo, que siguió su "llamado". No es un "trabajo" del tipo que "cae en tu regazo", en realidad tú fuiste llamado para hacerlo, estás obligado ha elegirlo y re-elegirlo. No pienses en este llamado en un sentido romántico, sino más bien como un llamado del alma- es un "trabajo del alma."
Qué llama al inciado a trabajar en el Nacimiento? Por lo general, se trata de un caso tangible en nuestra vida que despierta un interés en trabajar en los nacimientos, o en un aspecto particular al rededor de los nacimientos. Algunos filósofos dicen que es un trabajo que "acordamos hacer antes de que naciéramos." Entonces, en algún momento decimos "sí" a este llamado, y ahí vamos!
En amor,
# 14 ...continuación: Nutrir y Guiar a nuestros profesionales del Nacimiento
Buenos dias amigos,
Hoy seguimos hablando sobre el cambio # 14. Se trata de un cambio fundamental que debe comenzar si realmente queremos que el nacimiento en nuestra cultura se cure y cambie. De lo contrario, sería continuar organizando muebles en una casa construida sobre una base agrietada y un techo con goteras.
Aquel que responde al "llamado" a la profesión, al entrenamiento y a la prueba rigurosa, no es todavía "el sanador" o el "héroe". Más bien es la parte infantil de nosotros que responde "sí." Ese niño inocente, rebelde, mágico, dentro de nosotros tiene (y debe tener, para poder realizar la Prueba rigurosa de la formación), una noción romántica de "la diferencia que va a hacer," cómo va a "salvar" a otros del trauma que vivió, o lo que haya sucedido. En muchos casos, tal vez en todos, es la parte herida de nosotros en busca de nuestra propia curación y cuando entendemos eso, emprendemos el inicio del viaje del héroe (en nombre de ayudar o salvar a otros). Durante nuestro entrenamiento, también llamamos a la parte adaptativa de nuestro ser niño, porque esa parte hace que seamos un "buen alumno", que llevemos a cabo todas las asignaciones, que cumplamos con las evaluaciones y mandatos.
Si nosotros, como cultura, vamos a comenzar realmente la iniciación y guía de nuestros profesionales de nacimiento, debemos comprender a profundidad que todos estos profesionales (y padres) comienzan este inicio del viaje desde su ser Niño, y si somos guiados y enseñados a hacer nuestro trabajo personal, tendremos la oportunidad de completar un curso (holistico) en nuestra preparación como "cazadores y guerreros del amor" empezando así nuestro servicio a los padres desde un lugar más intacto, más puro y centrado, no desde nuestro "niño" herido, abandonado, rebelde y exhausto.
Considera que en nuestra cultura de nacimiento, muchos de los profesionales (desde las Doulas hasta los médicos) terminan su entrenamiento e inmediatamente entran a su práctica profesional en un estado de doble herida (la herida sin sanar que les envió "el llamado", más la herida sin sanar del curso que demanda mucho de ellos pero que no los guía en un crecimiento personal). Debido a las demandas emocionales, físicas y psíquicas de trabajar en los hospitales y clínicas- que en Occidente rara vez ofrece compasión o algún programa de apoyo para el crecimiento personal de sus trabajadores; es casi seguro que el todavía tierno niño interno del nuevo profesional de nacimiento está destinado a experimentar una triple herida.
En Occidente, la formación de profesionales de nacimiento está en la cima: valoramos, y por lo tanto nos enfocamos básicamente en material, técnicas, procedimientos y resultados "basados en la evidencia" y además debemos ser objetivos, es decir, impersonales, profesionales, en servicio de un cliente o corporación, pero no en servicio de nosotros mismos.
Y, sin embargo, el verdadero trabajo del Nacimiento es holístico. El verdadero trabajo requiere corazón, alma, fuerza del yo, y una recapitulación personal (auto-conciencia) y un proceso para evolucionar espiritual y emocionalmente con el trabajo, y no estar permanentemente agotados, heridos, y poco a poco desmembrados por él.
La imagen que quiero dejarles hoy es la siguiente: Para que el nacimiento cambie realmente en nuestra cultura, la formación del profesional, la certificación y/o re-certificación debe debe acoger el niño y deliberadamente cultivar, hacer crecer y madurar al Cazador-guerrero-Sanador. Los "que saben" (es decir, los locos sabios que han hecho su propio Regreso) debe responder a la llamada de "sana ahora a los curanderos," no sólo en la formación, sino en toda la carrera.
Mañana continuaremos el cambio # 14
En Amor, Pam
Change #14 Birth Peep Training as Initiation & Hero's Journey (1)
Change #14 We Must See the Training of the Birth Peep
as a profound Initiation and the Hero’s Journey
Dear Birth Peeps,
If you were fortunate enough to be trained by kind mentors in a safe and supportive environment that nurtured you through every phase and fumble of your training, consider yourself extremely blessed—your experience is rare—but it has given you an insight and gift that you can share with us as we tackle another change our birth culture is in dire need of.
If you are one of the many who felt broken by your training and perhaps, you feel a part of you is still in that underworld, it is my hope that this week’s letters will be a sliver of light to help you find your way “home.” As we join together, and complete our Return from the underworld of our training-initiation, then, and only then, can we truly be the Ones Who Know, and who can guide other initiates into, through, and all the way “home” from a training process that is in fact a hero’s journey.
There is so much to say about this subject, it may take me several posts to convey it. Rather than attempt to condense it, and trivialize this, I will take my time. I look forward to your responses as we move through Change #14.
First a brief review of the hero’s journey so we can share language and ideas. In general the hero’s journey has three phases, (1) The Call and Preparation, (2) the Ordeal, and (3) the Return. It could be said that your whole life is this journey, and that within our lives we may be blessed to undertake several hero’s journeys through education, relationship, career, and illness.
When someone is drawn to birth work we could say, and often do say, they were “called.” It is not a “job” that kind of “falls in your lap,” you are called to it, you are compelled to choose, and re-choose, it. Don’t think of this Call in a romantic sense, but rather as a soul-calling—it is “soul work.”
What calls the initiate to birth work? Usually it is a tangible event in our life that awakens an interest in birth work, or in a particular aspect of birth work. Some philosophers say it is work we “agreed to do before we were born.” So, at some point we say “yes” to this Call, and off we go!
In Love,
as a profound Initiation and the Hero’s Journey
Dear Birth Peeps,
If you were fortunate enough to be trained by kind mentors in a safe and supportive environment that nurtured you through every phase and fumble of your training, consider yourself extremely blessed—your experience is rare—but it has given you an insight and gift that you can share with us as we tackle another change our birth culture is in dire need of.
If you are one of the many who felt broken by your training and perhaps, you feel a part of you is still in that underworld, it is my hope that this week’s letters will be a sliver of light to help you find your way “home.” As we join together, and complete our Return from the underworld of our training-initiation, then, and only then, can we truly be the Ones Who Know, and who can guide other initiates into, through, and all the way “home” from a training process that is in fact a hero’s journey.
There is so much to say about this subject, it may take me several posts to convey it. Rather than attempt to condense it, and trivialize this, I will take my time. I look forward to your responses as we move through Change #14.
First a brief review of the hero’s journey so we can share language and ideas. In general the hero’s journey has three phases, (1) The Call and Preparation, (2) the Ordeal, and (3) the Return. It could be said that your whole life is this journey, and that within our lives we may be blessed to undertake several hero’s journeys through education, relationship, career, and illness.
When someone is drawn to birth work we could say, and often do say, they were “called.” It is not a “job” that kind of “falls in your lap,” you are called to it, you are compelled to choose, and re-choose, it. Don’t think of this Call in a romantic sense, but rather as a soul-calling—it is “soul work.”
What calls the initiate to birth work? Usually it is a tangible event in our life that awakens an interest in birth work, or in a particular aspect of birth work. Some philosophers say it is work we “agreed to do before we were born.” So, at some point we say “yes” to this Call, and off we go!
In Love,

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#14 continued: Nurturing & Mentoring Our Birth Peeps
Good Morning Birth Peeps,
Today we continue considering Change #14. It is a fundamental change that must begin if birth in our culture is to truly heal and change. Otherwise we can only continue to rearrange the furniture in house built on a cracked foundation with a leaky roof.
The One that answers the Call to the work, training, or Ordeal, is not yet “the healer” or the “hero.” Rather it is the Child part of us that answers “yes.” The Innocent, Magical, Rebellious Child in us does have (and must have, in order to undertake the Ordeal of training,) a romantic notion of “the difference she’ll make,” how she will “save” others from the trauma she lived through, or whatever it is. In many cases, perhaps all cases, it is the wounded part of us in search of our own healing and understanding that undertakes the hero’s journey (in the name of helping or saving others). During our training, we also call on the Adaptive Child part of us because that part makes a “good student,” who gets all the assignments done, checks off the lists, gets our evaluations in…. almost on time anyway.
If we, as a culture, are to truly begin mentoring and initiating our Birth Peeps, we must understand deeply that every Birth Peep (and parent) begins this initiation-journey in her Child, and if she is mentored and guided to do her personal work, she has a chance of completing a (holistic) course in her Huntress-Love Warrior--and beginning her service to parents from a more intact, whole, centered place--not in her wounded, orphaned, exhausted, rebellious Child.
Consider that in our birth culture, many of our Birth Peeps (from doulas to doctors) complete training and immediately enter their professional work in a state of double wounding (the unhealed wounding that Called them plus the unhealed wounding from a course that demanded much of them but did not guide their personal growth). Because of the emotional, physical, and psychic demands of working in hospitals and clinics—which in the West rarely has any Mercy or personal growth support program in place for its worker-bees--it is almost certain that the already tender inner-Child of the new birth peep is destined to experience a triple wounding.
In the West, Birth Peep training is top heavy: we value, and therefore focus primarily on, “evidence-based” material, techniques, performance evaluations and outcomes, and being objective (i.e., impersonal, professional, in-service to the client or corporation—but not in-service to ourselves).
And yet, the real work in birth is holistic. The real work requires heart, soul, ego-strength, and a personal recapitulation (self-awareness) process to evolve spiritually and emotionally with the work, and not be perpetually exhausted, wounded, and slowly dismembered by it.
The image I want to leave you with today is this:
For birth to really change in our culture, Birth Peep training, certification and/or re-certification must welcome the Child and deliberately nurture, grow, and mature the Huntress-Warrior-Healer. The "Ones Who Know"(i.e., the Sage Fools who have made the Return themselves) must answer the Call to "heal the healers," not only in training but throughout the Birth Peep’s career.
Tomorrow we will continue Change #14
Today we continue considering Change #14. It is a fundamental change that must begin if birth in our culture is to truly heal and change. Otherwise we can only continue to rearrange the furniture in house built on a cracked foundation with a leaky roof.
The One that answers the Call to the work, training, or Ordeal, is not yet “the healer” or the “hero.” Rather it is the Child part of us that answers “yes.” The Innocent, Magical, Rebellious Child in us does have (and must have, in order to undertake the Ordeal of training,) a romantic notion of “the difference she’ll make,” how she will “save” others from the trauma she lived through, or whatever it is. In many cases, perhaps all cases, it is the wounded part of us in search of our own healing and understanding that undertakes the hero’s journey (in the name of helping or saving others). During our training, we also call on the Adaptive Child part of us because that part makes a “good student,” who gets all the assignments done, checks off the lists, gets our evaluations in…. almost on time anyway.
If we, as a culture, are to truly begin mentoring and initiating our Birth Peeps, we must understand deeply that every Birth Peep (and parent) begins this initiation-journey in her Child, and if she is mentored and guided to do her personal work, she has a chance of completing a (holistic) course in her Huntress-Love Warrior--and beginning her service to parents from a more intact, whole, centered place--not in her wounded, orphaned, exhausted, rebellious Child.
Consider that in our birth culture, many of our Birth Peeps (from doulas to doctors) complete training and immediately enter their professional work in a state of double wounding (the unhealed wounding that Called them plus the unhealed wounding from a course that demanded much of them but did not guide their personal growth). Because of the emotional, physical, and psychic demands of working in hospitals and clinics—which in the West rarely has any Mercy or personal growth support program in place for its worker-bees--it is almost certain that the already tender inner-Child of the new birth peep is destined to experience a triple wounding.
In the West, Birth Peep training is top heavy: we value, and therefore focus primarily on, “evidence-based” material, techniques, performance evaluations and outcomes, and being objective (i.e., impersonal, professional, in-service to the client or corporation—but not in-service to ourselves).
And yet, the real work in birth is holistic. The real work requires heart, soul, ego-strength, and a personal recapitulation (self-awareness) process to evolve spiritually and emotionally with the work, and not be perpetually exhausted, wounded, and slowly dismembered by it.
The image I want to leave you with today is this:
For birth to really change in our culture, Birth Peep training, certification and/or re-certification must welcome the Child and deliberately nurture, grow, and mature the Huntress-Warrior-Healer. The "Ones Who Know"(i.e., the Sage Fools who have made the Return themselves) must answer the Call to "heal the healers," not only in training but throughout the Birth Peep’s career.
Tomorrow we will continue Change #14