Querida Mujer/ Dear Woman
Se dice que nada es casualidad, que todo es Causalidad, todo sucede por algo bueno, y hoy he recibido una señal de esperanza. Desde hace muchos años este ha sido mi sueño, por eso elegí esta profesión, por eso a pesar de que el camino no siempre es llano, y me obliga a esquivar obstáculos y hacer desviaciones, sigo en él, porque algo dentro de mi corazón me dice que vale la pena seguir luchando, seguir trabajando para construir algo mejor para las mujeres, para los hombres, para los bebés, para las familias del mundo entero. Son ideologías que vale la pena contagiar hasta crear una pandemia positiva para transformar nuestro entorno.
Cuéntame tu que opinas al respecto? Espero tus comentarios....
Nothing happened by coincidence, everything is causal, everything happens for a good reason, and today I received a sign of hope. For many years this has been my dream, so I chose this profession, so even though the road is not always plain, and forces me to avoid obstacles and take deviations, I'm still in it, because something inside my heart tells me it worth it to keep working to build something better for women, men,babies, families worldwide. These Ideologies must be spread out to create a pandemic spread positive to transform our environment.
Tell me what do you think about it? I'll wait for your comments ....

Cuéntame tu que opinas al respecto? Espero tus comentarios....
Nothing happened by coincidence, everything is causal, everything happens for a good reason, and today I received a sign of hope. For many years this has been my dream, so I chose this profession, so even though the road is not always plain, and forces me to avoid obstacles and take deviations, I'm still in it, because something inside my heart tells me it worth it to keep working to build something better for women, men,babies, families worldwide. These Ideologies must be spread out to create a pandemic spread positive to transform our environment.
Tell me what do you think about it? I'll wait for your comments ....
